Summer School 2022

10th - 14th January 2022 (Wednesday lay day)

Nelson College for Girls, 400 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

Organisers: Kathy Boyle, Di Harries, Kathy Reilly

The five workshop options to choose from offered a stimulating, varied programme and an exciting week of printmaking. Workshops, accommodation and meals all on site made it an easy and affordable option for everyone.

4-day workshops:

  1. Printing from found and waste materials: Collagraph / Offset surface - Rosemary Mortimer

  2. Drypoint, Woodcut and Emboss - Ben Reid

2-day workshops:

  1. Experimental Layering with Polyester Plate Lithography - Marci Tackett

  2. Exploring Copper Sulphate Etching - Kathy Boyle

Open Studio: create your own residency

Summer School always provides the opportunity to revitalise our practice, and strengthen our printmaking ties. It was exciting to welcome so many new faces from all over NZ. The hosting region, Marlborough/Nelson, welcomed Jeff Lockhart as their new Nelson rep, demonstrating the importance of having the summer school in different regions around New Zealand.